Chartered in 1965, the British Columbia Corvette Club (BCCC) is the oldest and largest Corvette Club in BC. Today we are approaching 200 active Corvette owners in the club. The BCCC is a fun group of all ages who enjoy driving and showing their pride and joy. We get involved in just about every facet of Corvette activities from Corvette cruises to Mall displays, from half-time shows at BC Place to Corvette racing weekends and events. All Corvette owners are welcome to become club members after participating in three club events. Whether your Corvette is new, old or apart, you can become a member. BCCC members are a valuable source of experience and information on suppliers and specialty shops that can maintain or restore your Corvette. Club activities are Brunches, Dinners, Auto Crosses, Rallyes, Show n‚ Shines, Cruises, Tech Talks and Sporting Events and anything else deemed to be fun !